시낭송· 번역시

역설 / Paradox / 영역 : 여국현(시인)

洪 海 里 2021. 5. 13. 06:16

* 여국현 시인 촬영.




洪 海



너 없이는 한시도 못 살 줄 알았는데

이렇게 멀쩡하게 살아 있다니

찔레꽃 피우지 말아라

내 생각도 하지 말거라

네 하얀 꽃잎 상복 같아서

내 가는 길 눈물 젖는다

한갓된 세상 모든 것

있는 대로 그냥 내버려 두어라

아픔도 때로는 얼마나 아름다우냐

발자국 남기지 말고 가거라

먼 길 갈 때는 빈손이 좋다

텅 빈 자리 채우는 게 삶이다

한때는 짧아서 아름다운 법이란다.


- 시집『바람도 구멍이 있어야 운다』(도서출판 움, 2016)





Hong, Hae-Ry

Without you, I couldn’t breathe even for a moment
I believed,
But I am living good and fine!
Don’t let the brier roses bloom;
Don’t think of me.
As your white petals look like a mourning dress
My eyes are wet with tears on my road.
Let everything worthless in this world
Be as it is.
How beautiful is pain sometimes!
Do part without remaining your footprints.
Empty hands are better when you should go a
long way.
It’s life to fill the empty space.
Our time is beautiful, because it is short.

- Trans. by Yeo, Kook-Hyun


- 월간《우리詩》2021. 6월호.


<수정된 작품>

Hong, Hae Ri
I believed, without you, I couldn’t breathe even for a brief,
But I am living well and fine!
Don’t let the brier roses bloom.
Don’t think of me.
As your white petals look like mourning,
My roads are wet with tears.
Let every worthless thing in this world
Be as it is.
How beautiful is pain sometimes!
Go without leaving even your footprints.
Empty hands are better to go a long way.
Life is to fill the empty space.
Our time is beautiful because it is short.